attempt suicide

美 [əˈtempt ˈsuːɪsaɪd]英 [əˈtempt ˈsuːɪsaɪd]
  • 企图自杀
attempt suicideattempt suicide
  1. More than once , depression drove him to attempt suicide


  2. Despair drove him to attempt suicide .


  3. Deep depression is typical of so many young women who attempt suicide .


  4. Four to 10 times as many people attempt suicide as those who actually succeed .


  5. Some go further and even attempt suicide as a result of self-pity .


  6. Nearly twice as many women as men attempt suicide , but men are far more likely to succeed .


  7. Previous research has shown that people who attempt suicide or who take their own lives have large amounts of cortisol in their systems .


  8. Markingson was one of five trial subjects to attempt suicide , and one of two who succeeded in taking their own lives .


  9. The agency notes cultural differences , views and attitudes toward suicide influence whether people will attempt suicide and whether suicides will be accurately reported


  10. A blood test that can predict whether someone may attempt suicide has been developed by scientists in a breakthrough which could prevent hundreds of deaths .


  11. As a matter of fact , he had flown out here on two other occasions from New Jersey to attempt suicide on this bridge .


  12. Research shows that 19 out of 20 people who attempt suicide will fail . But the people who fail are 37 times more likely to succeed the second time .


  13. She pulls out a bundle of receipts , shaking her head . " The rural cooperative insurance does not compensate you a penny if you attempt suicide . "


  14. NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - In people suffering from recurrent major depressive disorder , treatment with lithium reduces the risk that they 'll commit or attempt suicide , according to a new study .


  15. Paris attends a boarding school in Utah , where she receives equine therapy a form of treatment in which people care for horses to help overcome the depression which led her to attempt suicide last year .


  16. Paris attends a boarding school in Utah , where she receives equine therapy - a form of treatment in which people care for horses - to help overcome the depression which led her to attempt suicide last year .


  17. The ending of the novel was no doubt suggested by London 's earlier attempt at suicide .


  18. The number of people who attempt to suicide or accidental poisoning is still high because the more chance to exposure .


  19. Her botched attempt at suicide .


  20. The students in Shen Zhen with high levels of mental stress were more likely to make a plan to commit suicide or attempt to suicide .


  21. She failed in her second attempt to commit suicide .


  22. The World Health Organization says more men than women commit suicide , but more women than men attempt to commit suicide .


  23. Research on the Concurrence between Incapable Crime and Discontinuation Crime She failed in her second attempt to commit suicide .


  24. In fact , researchers found that the more often a family moved , the more likely it was that a child would attempt or complete suicide .


  25. In the other , psychiatrists in New York found evidence that antidepressant drugs significantly increased the risk that some children and adolescents would attempt or commit suicide .


  26. They then drank Dichlorvos , a highly toxic pesticide , in an attempt to commit suicide , but were saved in a nearby hospital .


  27. In the northern city of Kirkuk , officials say the provincial governor escaped an assassination attempt when a suicide bomber blew himself up near the official 's convoy .


  28. Studies generally report a pre-transition suicide attempt rate of20 % or more , with MTFs relatively more likely to attempt suicide than FTMs .
